a flight tail with logo in it. Flight is in the sky




Brand Identity

Zwap is a company that specialize in the export-import business. The Company has a strong focus on delivering packages to their customers on time and has always been punctual and loyal to all their customers as well as employees. Through its export-import portal, the brand has captured new markets for their products and services, and has an expanded reach to a global audience.

Swap logo in red and white with black background
Logo concep of swap logo

The logo mark includes three elements; an arrow in projectile motion representing export, an arrow in a landing pose/ side downwards to represent imports, and the letter 'Z' which is the primary brand letter. The use of arrows to represent export and import visually communicates the business's focus on trade. The projectile motion of the export arrow adds a sense of dynamism and momentum, while the landing pose of the import arrow suggests stability and reliability. The incorporation of the letter 'Z', the primary brand letter, helps to reinforce the company's name and make it more memorable to customers. Overall, the logo design seems to effectively capture the essence of Zwap's business and values.

a workers cap mockup with logo in it
Grid system of swap logo
Bill board of a delivery service eith a huge truck with logo in it
A delivery man standing beside a van folding his hands and the door of the van is open.
A mobile app page of a phone with several apps in it.
a delivery man with boxes in hand and a van behind him.
Hoodies tshirt with the logo in it
Stickers roll with the logo
Business card mock up
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